We are well into the school year and have settled into a routine. Whether it is meeting new friends, getting reacquainted with old friends, exploring the WVU Nursery School classroom, or engaging in new topics, the year is off to a great start!
The 3-year-old class has developed safety rules for the classroom, read silly stories like “There was an old dragon who swallowed a knight” by Penny Parker Klostermann, and explored pumpkins. Recently, they began their Classical Art study by looking at pictures by four famous artists and voted for their favorite. Because Piet Mondrian was the winner, they will begin learning about the abstract artist and his paintings before we create a canvas painting of our own.
The 4-year-old class settled quickly into a routine. Right now, they are busy learning about fall. In particular, the students have explored numerous science activities, from what happens to apples in different solutions to why leaves change colors in the fall to the pumpkin life cycle. Also, they have been exploring, building, and drawing 2D and 3D shapes.
Throughout the WVU Nursery School day, we have WVU students who work, intern, or attend class at the school. Obviously, it is important for them to learn about early childhood, experience a classroom setting, and transition pedagogy into practice. In addition, the WVU Nursery School students benefit through additional attention, creative learning experiences, and specific area expertise. We have two work study students, two interns, and two football players, in addition to a music therapy class, an early childhood physical education class, and two communication sciences and disorders classes. Both the 3-year-old and the 4-year-old students enjoy exploring new instruments, running obstacle courses, and engaging in focused literacy activities. Occasionally, the Nursery School students even switch roles and become the teachers to educate the WVU students on rules and procedures.
Our days are filled with learning, laughter, and life!